This article is more than 1 year old
Readers' Letters Blasphemy be damned!
Gawd blimey, they done us up like a kipper
Reg faces blasphemy charge
Reg victim of blasphemy hoax
Well, we got stitched up good and proper yesterday by 'Net Authority Investigations'. The authority's threat of action if we continued to blaspheme had the Vulture Central lawyers running round like headless chickens.
Then it was revealed that we were the victims of a hoax. Oh dear, oh dear. Still, it was nicely done and certainly gave our loyal readers a chance to vent their spleen against these 'forces of righteousness'.
Thanks to all those who emailed the Net Authority expressing their outrage. We're sure that the rascals at are feeling pretty pleased with themselves.
We can't even begin to print the sheer volume of mail we had on this subject. Let Justin Watkins' musings suffice:
I was fascinated to read your article on The Register being listed as blasphemous. As a fundamentalist Bible-believing Christian, I sometimes find articles on The Register a bit close to the bone, but in fairness you reflect accurately the nature of the Internet. I would be fascinated to read the article which prompted the response from netauthority. IMHO the Internet is not a place for children. It is a place for responsible adults, and a place for free speech.
Please may I recommend to you and your colleagues that you take care in your writings not to be blasphemous. Apart from my personal reasons, such care is in the interests of all your readers, whatever their beliefs, for the wide and ongoing distribution of your news. The Reg is my main port of call for security and hardware news and many other things. I would hate other System Administrators to be denied such a wealth of information, particularly those whose culture is not historically Christian. They need this stuff for their work as much as I do.
Finally, I would recommend The Bible to you. Large parts of the Bible are not really meant for kids. There's some gripping stuff in there. A faith that has stood the brutal test of 2000 years is certainly worth investigating.
May you find meaning and hope in this strange world.
Meaning? It's as much as the Vulture Central hacks can do to find their socks in the morning. It is indeed a strange world.
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