This article is more than 1 year old
Verisign denies .biz crucifixion plan
But then that won't come as much of a surprise
Following our suggestion that VeriSign - owner of the .com, .net and currently .org domains and part-owner of the new .info domain - may be trying to screw up the .biz registration, we received this email today from Cheryl Regan of corporate marketing.
Believe it or not, she denies any such plot. Here it is:
"If you had taken the time to contact us for your speculative story on VeriSign's activities for .biz, we would have told you that:
* VeriSign is very supportive of .biz and we're doing everything we can to keep customers updated and informed on the new gTLD
* With the roll out of all the new gTLDs and the confusion, we have communicated the .biz offerings to our customers and partners in the clearest way via direct communications, our Web site, media interviews and press releases
* .biz is rolling out the new gTLD like a lottery - the more you request, the better your chances. We are not communicating anything that is not true
* Our VeriSign Registrar is encouraging customers to be the first to take advantage this new space
* We began taking "requests" in .biz earlier this year
* We provide updates on .biz roll out schedules via newsletter to our customers who want to receive such updates
* We've written a white paper on all the new gTLDs coming out this year -- to help answer the questions many have on how it will all work.
* We began offering on Day One the Trademark Claim Forms that became available in May and the "applications" that began last week
* Nothing going on here but good business practices to support our customers, our partners, new registries and our own registration business.
Cheryl Regan
Corporate Marketing
VeriSign, Inc."
Now, can you read that with a knowing smile? [Right - that's enough. Get back to those boring server stories now - Ed]
Incidentally, NeuLevel have also been in contact complaining of a "host of inaccuracies" in the article .biz domain registration a complete shambles. They only listed one: that my source could not have paid by cheque, since NeuLevel only accepts credit cards. This is true - the trouble resulted from the colloquial question "And has the cheque been cashed?"
We have offered NeuLevel a right to reply but have heard nothing back yet. ®
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