has been hacked and displays nothing but the message: "britney got hacked gtx wouter".
Go to the Web page mentioned and you'll find some self-regarding nonsense that starts: "My love for britney is stronger than your security". The boy declares himself to be 18 years old and oddly gives his phone number at the bottom.
It's the old "I warned you about the security, so maybe this will help" angle. Although why a purported fan of Britney would prevent others from knowing more about her is an irony we're fairly sure hadn't occurred to him.
What else? Perhaps we have a lonely, sad person here. "Note to sysadmins : I will still help you building secure systems if you like." Presumably the people running the site received an email from him (among the 30,000 they receive a day) offering his services. Amazingly, they seem to have disregarded it.
Oh, and there's a dig at the hacker Dimitri who entered the spotlight last year by leaving a Britney-inspired message on Microsoft's servers. Twice. Wouter says: "This is a more effective way than placing Oops i did it again on * Tip: try to impress girls with hax0ring *nix machines ;)."
Like, whatever.
Britney Spears was unavailable for comment. ®
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