This article is more than 1 year old

Reg Tariff lands us in the merde

Frenchman nonplussed by culture of corruption

Well, our Register Tariff 2001 has certainly proved a hit with many readers.

It has also contributed greatly to the solvency of Vulture Central, giving as it does the opportunity for paying clients to dictate Reg content.

Not everyone, however, is happy, Etienne Boisjoly included. Etienne is French:

So by what im seeing her ei can juste give you money and you will post total bullshit on any copanie whatsoever this really disapoint me cause i tough i could beleive most of the stories i hear with you guys but you just proved me wrong.. soo now most of your story are probaly entirely false or partialy false wich isnt really pleasing since i have been reading you for 2 years and i have allways relied on your info beeing true

Sorry about that, mon brave. But we've said it before and we'll say it again - No wedge, no Reg. C'est la vie, n'est-ce pas?

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