This article is more than 1 year old

Magistr continues three month reign as top virus

June's Top Ten

The Magistr worm is still the world's most frequently occurring computer virus.

The worm topped the list of viruses that were found in June and accounted for 22.2 per cent of all report calls according to anti-virus company Sophos. It was followed by BadTrans (10.9 per cent) and Homepage (9.6 per cent).

June also saw the resurgence of the Apology virus (7.4 per cent), which stops those infected from accessing anti-virus vendor Web sties.

Sophos says 794 fresh viruses were found during the month.

"June's virus chart is topped by the highly destructive Magistr worm," said Peter Cooper, Sophos Anti-Virus UK support manager. "This worm has been dominating the top ten for the last three months. It seems that the simple message - don't open unsolicited attachments - has not yet hammered home." ®

Top Ten Viruses according to Sophos

  1. Magistr
  2. BadTrans
  3. Homepage
  4. Apology variant
  5. Hybris variant
  6. Keylog variant
  7. FunLove
  8. Navidad variant
  9. Kakworm
  10. Mawanella

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