This article is more than 1 year old
Text a cab in Dublin
Sounds crap, but this is actually a really good idea
Updated From next month, you'll be able to summon a cab in Dublin by simply sending a text message. E-Taxis has 1,000 new cars ready to hit the streets and life will never be the same again, it told The Guardian.
The idea is that you send an SMS message to E-Taxis' number. Triangulation is then used to check out the location and the message is automatically routed to the nearest cabs. A driver then calls the mobile to check on the fare.
The only thing we remain unclear about is whether triangulation is used to work out the cab's location or the person's location. We suspect it's the cab's - which is a shame because it means you'll have to give a load of information about your position in the text message when it would be nicer just to send a single word.
<update> The company has just been in touch to say it works like this: you send an SMS with the word "taxi" and triangulation is then used to work out where you are. Now, this does sound good.</update>
However, while this sounds like a naff publicity seeking idea, we really rather like it. If handled properly it should certainly improve the cab company's efficiency and that means you won't have to wait in the rain so long. It also saves you having to explain where you are and what you want when you are tired and emotional and the cab operator, who has been working for 23 hours straight, is off his head on reds.
The new Mercedes taxis will also let you pay for the fare with credit or debit cards, which will save you going five minutes out the way and having the cabbie mutter threateningly under his breath.
E-Taxis - formed out of local cab company City cabs and wireless apps developer Bellstream - also has a load of other ideas, like a combined Web and SMS portal, sponsorship with Adidas etc but that's all nonsense so we'll ignore it.
Still sounds good to us. Now all they have to do is find some cabbies that aren't miserable gits and will work past 10pm so we don't have to get dodgy illegal cabs in the evening. ®