This article is more than 1 year old
UK's E-envoy upbeat about e-conomy
Have we missed something?
Government e-Envoy, Andrew Pinder, is confident that e-business is having a positive impact on the economy despite the continued fall-out from the downturn in the sector.
Speaking yesterday at a talking shop devised to kick-off a Government sponsored UK portal for Internet entrepreneurs - called "Beyond Bricks" - he said: "Despite negative press and dotcom doom-mongering I am confident that e-enterprise not only can and will make a real contribution to UK business, but is already doing so."
Good on ya Andy. Let's just put aside the problems facing the TMT sector and look on the bright side.
After all, if thinks selling "Edible Undies for Men or Women" (just £4.49) and other "adult" goods will help steer its business to profit, then what the hell have we all got to worry about? ®