Readers Letters Readers Letters 'You are a blackard of the first water'
Elizabeth the Queen Mother is dead
According to reader Paul Kerriage, our earlier coverage of a premature story on the death of the Queen Mum may have landed us in deep water with the Windsors.
Your correspondent is clearly unaware that it's spelt "Blackguard".
Also, that knowing dissemination of false rumours of the death of the Monarch (she is, after all, Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth, The Queen Mother, and still, technically Dowager Queen) carries the death penalty. (Civil Sedition Act 1884, never repealed)
Which means everyone at the Reg will be doing the Tyburn jig, assuming the Paras don't shoot you full of holes first.
Fantastic, eh? As the "Septics" say, " We love your Queen"....
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