This article is more than 1 year old
$15k reward offered for lost laptop
Where were you on August 11?
An unlucky traveller who lost his laptop on a flight is offering a $15,000 reward for its safe return.
The Apple PowerBook disappeared whilst on Singapore Airlines flight SQ857 from Hong Kong on August 11, Reuters reports.
Its owner is so desperate to get it back that they have placed an advert in Singapore's Business Times and Straits Times newspapers.
The reward offered is so high because the machine contains three manuscripts for books on business management.
The author's lawyer, whose number is given in the ad, told Reuters he had received a couple of phone calls - but unfortunately these were from hungry journalists and were not relating to the whereabouts of the laptop.
Apparently the machine can be identified by a black on yellow start-up screen that reads "Take Today Off". ®
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