This article is more than 1 year old
Celebrate Ten Years of Linux!
Bring a bottle and a bird.
As you can't have failed to notice with so many patronising, space-filling special "features" recently, it's ten years since Linus Torvalds alerted the world to a modest Unix-clone he'd lashed together.
And Penguinistas around the world will be celebrating tomorrow, as Lord, only they know how with a number of anniversary picnics. The Silicon Valley event at Sunnyvale's Baylands Park is full - more people have responded than the venue has capacity for - which could prove problematic if everyone turns up at once. But the organisers point out that the picnic at FDR Park in Philadelphia is still open.
Similar events will be taking place on every continent, as far as we can tell, except Antarctica: details can be found here.
The Sunnyvale event asks that no fireworks or "model rockets" (is that a Saturn V in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?) can be brought in to the arena. So Eric and his arsenal of personal firearms are OK, we guess.
Mindful that these are media-free events (members of the press should only in attend in an off-duty capacity, warn the organisers) we'll be lending a helping hand doing what we do best: by taking the rubbish out. ®