This article is more than 1 year old
FOTW 'Should I call you Yeti Thunderfoot, Queen of the Yapping Nancy's?'
Stile challenge
Cat eating video causes mayhem
This week's Flame comes courtesy of Michael Strobert.
"For Biderman to suddenly become a crusader for self-reflection in society is pushing things a little too far."
That's the most off-course, outrageous piece of journalistic commentary I have ever.. EVER seen. Do you even READ the fucking website? You arrogant piece of shit (I'm outraged, remember?).
I'm taken aback by such utter media stupidity. Of course I realize all this self-righteous, bleeding heart, "has he gone too far?" bullshit with a capital B will, without fail, snag your website and every website that runs a similar piece (read: Aninova, wired, PETA) more hits than all the rehashed technology failings you could pull out of your collective asses in a week.
This is more repugnant than watching celebrities campaign for congressmen or the 500 hours of OJ Simpson trial videos.
For one thing, he goes by the name stile - not Jonathan Biderman. You give inane software hackers aliases, so why do you draw a distinction with any other aliases? Or should I just go ahead and call you Yeti Thunderfoot, Queen of the Yapping Nancy's?
For another, you have NO RIGHT to judge him. As a reader for the past three years, I have been drawn to his biting social commentary, pessimistic realism, and clear headed observations. I have never seen him post an opinion piece that contradicted itself, nor make flippant remarks pertaining to things concerning suffering, despair, hatred, tyranny, or hypocrisy. I have seen him make factual errors, but never disdainful lies or misguided perspectives.
All the jaded, bitter, condescending, loathsome, hateful spite in this world comes not from him, but from ignorant pissants such as yourself corrupting the outlooks of your readers. Your misplaced judgements make this world a sick, sad place, not the videos of reality stile posts.
You speak of ethics. I suggest you practice your own.
P.S. - Another thing you fuckwhits have seemed to overlooked is that stile is Canadian. PETA and their liberal tree hugging funding means dickall considering there is no grossly broad sweeping "depiction of animal cruelty" law there. I recommend trying out for a Darwin award in the near future.