The world has all manner of binary terrors to contend with this month.
Computers are already public enemy number two after Ossie bin Laden and it looks like October they plan to reap their evil revenge.
Yes, because today is 1 October 2001. But to a computer, October and the year are gibberish, it sees only 011001. If you were to think computer for a second, you'd see that 25 is the evil number. What does this mean? Will 25 people die today in a satanic silicon cult? Will a disaster happen at 25 degrees North or South? Will someone aged 25 today die in a bizarre death? Were they our Neo?
But don't worry - if nothing evil happens today, the computers (and perhaps the odd mad genius behind them) have another two opportunities just this month to wipe out humanity.
Yes, what about 10 October 2001 - or 101001 as our enemies see it. It relates to 41. What could that mean? And the very next day - 111001, or 57! Where is that fake Nostradamus translation?
If humanity survives this month then...
Then what about November? 1 November 2001, 011101. Or the 10th and 11th. We stand no chance. Our time has come people - let's panic.
When we survive this binary terror, grant us something else to be fearful about so our sad lives possess some meaning for a brief period of time. There is no hope. ®