This article is more than 1 year old

Tables turns on Bin Laden ‘bank crackers’

haxOrz at war: Fluffy Bunny 3 Yihat 0

Updated The hacking group which claims to hacked into a bank connected to Osama bin Laden in the Sudan has had its own Web site defaced.

Yihat (Young Intelligent Hackers Against Terrorism) was re-christened Young IDIOTIC haxOrz and Terrorists after an attack on its Web site by infamous hacker Fluffy Bunny.

The defacement message, which appears alongside a picture of bin Laden, reads: "Hello, My name is BinLaden Bunny, I have been waiting for you. You may bomb me and you may nuke me, but.. you will never ./ me!! May Allah be with you."

For good measure Fluffy Bunny has defaced the web site of Yihat's front man, Kim Schmidt (who is himself a convicted hacker) with a message featuring a pink, fluffy toy bunny with an extremely bigwilly. According to Netcraft, both the defaced sites run Apache on FreeBSD (which is generally considered a secure platform).

Yihat has attracted some flak in recent days by engaging in defacement itself (something Schmidt hasn't either encouraged or condoned) and its activities in general have been condemned by the FBI. ®

Fluffy Bunny has hacked again in order to pour fresh scorn on Schmidt, and to mock his attempts as identifying the vulnerability that left the site insecure in the first place. You can see a copy of the defacement here.

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