Letters Jedi Knights achieve official recognition as a religion
hi there
I am emailing you from the England.
This religion is now official within the UK.
I know that other countries followed suit and also signed this on their census forms worldwide. I can only extend my hand to these people in an act of fellowship.
People seem to be under the impression that 'Jedi' is just a creation of George Lucas's imagination and nothing more than fantasy.
This is very wrong.
George based most of his ideas for the Force on the Eastern Philosophies. The idea of an 'all empowering and enveloping force' or energy, is not something new to humans. If you read the older, less poluted, texts of the Christian or religions involving 'God', you will find that they teach people to believe that he ecompasses all things.
He is in everything - as is the force. This is not to say that George did not base some of the idea from Christianity, but he certainly did not add all the idiocy and pathetic back-street politics that this religion and the spin-offs it has created over the millenia into the equation.
A statement from George will probably be in the loop for the near future - it will be interesting to see what he (and the people who help to write it) state within.
If Jedi is now an official religion - considerately placed by the British government alongside Atheism and 'Heathen' - then there needs to be a guide toward the ways of this religion.
Obviously, a persons first frame of reference will be the Star Wars movies, but there needs to be more laid down - I'm sure the internet will spring into life with philosophies and comments about what a Jedi should or shouldn't do.
I only hope that as this idea porgresses it does not go the way of every other religion upon this planet - twisted beyond belief and taken out of context at every turn.
If there were a God for any of the religions present on Earth in 2001, I doubt they would be anywhere near us right now!
With War in the middle east rearing it's malavalent head once more - why stop now, it's only been raging for 3,000 years! - and pathetic excuses for humans bellowing join our 'Holy War', could it be that people such as our selves who decided to go against the idiots in their high halls and choose a religion that condones war and will do anything to avoid it.
As I am now formally a member of the religion of the Jedi, I can only state that we have chosen wisely and will watch as the world unravels into even more chaos with the madmen spouting the name of the deity as they kill each enemy in turn on their conquest for a true religion.
feeble minded fools - that's what they are.
I only hope that others will follow the example of my country and choose Jedi - then maybe in 100 years, others will look back and grin at a decision well made.
Ben Miles
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