This article is more than 1 year old

SecurityFocus finds new DDoS tool

Microsoft SQL servers vulnerable

SecurityFocus has identified a new hybrid tool that combines distributed denial of service (DDoS) tools, with the automated propagation techniques previously seen only in worms.

On 20 November, at approximately 4 AM PST, SecurityFocus ARIS Incident Analysts identified a rapidly growing network of controlled agents or "bots", increasing 600% in the last 6 hours, which can be used to launch a DDoS attack. The tool is propagated through incorrectly configured Microsoft SQL server systems by scanning the System Administrator accounts that contain a password specified by the attacker.

SecurityFocus recommendations:

Verify that the System Administrator "sa" account does not have a blank password if running Microsoft SQL server.

Use a firewall to block port 1433.

The tool named "Voyager Alpha Force," a modified and enhanced version of the DDoS tool, Kaiten, is human controlled through Internet Relay Chat (IRC) communications by connecting to an IRC server and joining a password-protected channel. An attacker is effectively able to control a large number of agents residing on compromised hosts, by issuing commands that would initiate a DDoS attack or cause the program to continue propagating.

SecurityFocus ARIS and SIA premium customers received early warning as part of their service. Additional information about the DDoS Tool can be found here.

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