This article is more than 1 year old
Ever wanted to see Star Wars in Telnet?
Now's your chance
You can now watch Star Wars on Telnet. No, change that: you must watch Star Wars on Telnet.
Telnetified by Snore (a "whacked Dutch hardware geek" called Sten) it takes all of 13,935 frames and the mad, delightful enterprise is here.
And when you've finished this, how about Star Wars in ASCII? There's a lot of things you can end up doing when you're bored, and as Simon Jansen is happy to admit, animating Star Wars in ASCII text is one of them.
He's done a grand job of it though - it amazing what you can do with a little imagination - and we heartily recommend a look here.
Sadly, the whole movie isn't there. Instead you get up to the part where Obi-Wan Kenobi heads off on his own in the Death Star to locate the tractor beam. According to Simon Jansen's FAQ, he hopes to complete the movie at some point. He also suggests others take on the other Star Wars movies.
Unfortunately, seeing as the last scene was added on 20 October 1999, we suspect Simon has been neglecting his ASCII. As an incentive, we offer him a free story when he completes it. So far, we can't think of anything missing, although as Simon himself points out, Princess Leia is supposed to be on the other side of R2D2 when feeding the data plans in it.
Related Links
The ASCII Strikes Back
The Telnet version