This article is more than 1 year old
Woman seeks husband by auction – again
In sickness and in health
Kay Hammonds's at it again. The 24-year-old blonde "Internet entrepreneur" from Birmingham has put herself up for auction in a bid to find herself a husband.
Undeterred at being given the elbow on moral grounds earlier this week by eBay, the petite Miss Hammond (34, 28, 34) is now selling herself on QXL.
Explaining why she is auctioning herself off to the highest bidder she says: "Marriage is the one ambition I have yet to achieve.
"So often I have commented to my friends, family and colleagues that I never have the time to meet any men. I have been working on my business,, ever since I was 17. I work a twelve hour day, seven days a week, so I've been pretty busy over the last 6 years!
"I thought that by creating an online auction I would be able to reach as many men as possible and hopefully prove that the Internet is not full of cyber-geeks, there are normal people out there, and I'm looking for one as a husband!" she chirps.
Of course, if Mr Right is out there, he'll have to have deep pockets. The minimum price Miss Hammond puts on true love is £250,000, which is nothing compared to her aborted attempt on eBay, which reportedly climbed as high as £10 million before it was pulled.
If money is no object and Mr Right still wants to pursue his quest for her hand in marriage, he should bear one more thing in mind - Miss Hammond cites Richard Branson and Bill Gates as the people she admires the most and who have given her inspiration to succeed.
The auction is due to end on Christmas Eve and Miss Hammond promises she will marry the highest bidder. ®