This article is more than 1 year old
ATI takes Radeon 8500 to the Mac
'Invites' trade-in
ATI yesterday released a Mac board version of the Radeon 8500, its top performing graphics chip. The card is called the RADEON 8500 MAC EDITION, it retails at $299 and it supports Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X.
ATI is running a trade-in promo for PowerMac G4 owners on its web site. Customers get a $150 rebate (on their Radeon 8500 Mac board) which is swiped off their credit card. But to qualify they have to then send in their old graphics card, either the Radeon 7500 or Nvidia's GeForce 4MX.
Sounds like a lot of bother to us. Do these promos actually work? ®