This article is more than 1 year old

FoTW: “You hafe no balls and are all homosexulle”

A Hall of Infamy classic

Letters What a poor harvest of flames it's been, this spring. Our tradition of printing the most libellous and insane correspondence has been challenged by so many of you insisting on sending us useful, erudite and even occasionally complimentary messages.

Then this arrived in John Lettice's mailbox, presumably inspired by this article. It's a stunning example of the art: a stout defence of Bill Gates, a sense of humor vacuum, a sprinking of imputed loathings that cross national and gender boundaries, all wrapped up in enough incendiary firepower to clear an underground cave complex. Behold, then, the DaisyCutter of Flames:-

Sent: 03 April 2002 20:12
Subject: Stupid English Wankers

What is it with you supid English and the Macintosh ? Why do you love them so much. You hafe no balls and you are all homosexulle. Why cannot do you recherche you did you would be knowing that Bill gates invented windows not steve jobs. you think macintosh invent everything first!

if you love Steve job so much why do you not move to unitied estates and kiss his ass ? I know why, because it is close to Canade and you hate the french evenn more than you hate the microsoft.

get your gives correct in the future. Bill gates dose many goods in this world he will personal cure cancer and sida with his fondation.

This is good new for you fucking gay enligh bastard.


Zut alors! Less demented correspondence to follow. ®

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