This article is more than 1 year old
Intel sleepwalks through Nvidia press release
Gets down and dirty with ATI
Nvidia today issued a press release confirming that mobos incorporating its GeForce 4 graphics chip work very well indeed with the new Intel/Rambus 533MHz FSB- supporting i850E chipset. And curious reading it makes too.
The GeForce family "provide(s) the perfect companion to Intel* Corporation's newest i850E chipset for the Pentium* 4 processor ... gwana gwana... for the ultimate digital entertainment experience on high-performance desktop PCs.... gwana, gwana...only Nvidia can do this, more boasting etc. and so on."
In other words a typical American press release, populated by people who talk like marketing brochures.
But wait, what's this: an Intel suit has been wheeled in to provide some collateral - damage in this case. His name is Jason 'Chip' Ziller, he's the technology initiatives manager at Intel, and he has summoned up the full canon of hyperbole which only a combat-ready PR bunny can muster.
Here is Chip Ziller's contribution in full (our italics):
"We are pleased to be working with NVIDIA and other graphics vendors to provide the highest performing desktop systems in the world. The combination of Pentium 4 processor, the i850E chipset and a high-end graphics card like the NVIDIA GeForce4 is the ultimate platform for gaming,digital media, internet or professional use."
Big endorsement, no? Well, no, actually. This is what Chip has to say on yesterday's ATI press release announcing support for the 850E chipset, again in full.
"As a leader in the graphics industry, ATI has proven to be a valuable supporter of Intel's 850E chipset. We're pleased to have worked closely with ATI to ensure that ATI's RADEON family of graphics accelerators complement Intel's new chipset."
Guess which company Intel prefers working with?
Nvidia does not have a license to produce chipsets for the P4 - the argument seems to be a pricing issue-cum-needle-match: ATI does. On the other hand, Nvidia wants to make damn sure that mobo makers and system builders don't get the jitters-VIA style about implementing a fast P4/GeForce 4 solution. The sound of Intel yawning on its press release is a small cross to bear, if it gets this message across. If. ®
Spot the Difference
Nvidia 850e press release
ATI 850e press release
Background, nicely rendered
Xbitlabs: Why Nvidia doesn't make Pentium 4 chipsets