Dear oh dear oh dear - what is going on at BBC?
The Unix guys who work for BBC Technology in Kingswood Warren, Surrey, and are responsible for making the Internet work for the Beeb's online ventures have been told today they're relocating to Maidenhead, where Streaming Media Services, bought last year by the BBC, is based.
Snag is, they they ain't happy - cos that would mean a two-hour slog to get to work.
Sources tell us that feelings are running so high many of the techies that make tick are prepared to tell Auntie to stuff it rather take the "lousy" relocation package on offer.
This could prove a little troublesome in the short-term as Streaming Media Services is essentially a Windows shop, we understand.
So what's the Beeb doing about it? One insider told us: "Active efforts are being made within BBCT to suppress any kind of dissent over this matter - two staff members are already subject to disciplinary proceedings for expressing their objections to this move."
A spokeswoman denied that any staff members were subject to disciplinary proceedings over their views about the move.
She added that the move wasn't planned until the end of September and that it was currently in consultation with employees on the matter.
Approx 20 staff are throught to be affected by the move. ®