This article is more than 1 year old
1901 Census site update is no update
When our site goes down, it stays down
The 1901 Census site has been down - ooh, getting on for seven months now. This week the Public Records Office issued an update on getting the service back online.
Here's the condensed version.
QinetiQ the site developer is to complete public testing in August. Testing could throw up more issues which would then need to be resolved. Without knowing what the testing may reveal, the PRO is unable to commit to a relaunch date. Clear?
The 1901 Census site was taken out of commission, after only a few days in action. There was a huge surge of demand and the site buckled, maybe broke under the strain. Fair enough, but does it really take so long to repair?
Why not charge at the point of entry and be done with it? Or, if you decide not to ration by price (the Capitalist way, after all) - get an organisation with a proven competence in managing projects like this. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, for instance. In 1999 it opened, possibly the world's biggest genealogical Web site. ®
Related story, link
PRO statement
1901 Census site still down after six months