This article is more than 1 year old
Apple lawyers nix box pix
Ceci n'est pas une PowerMac
Apple's legal department has sent threatening letters to two websites publishing incredibly boring information, purportedly of the company's new professional PowerMac case.
Such cease and desist letters from Cupertino have in the past been interpreted as giving rumors the mark of authenticity. This could be an elaborate deception by Apple. eWeek is made of sterner stuff, recognizing the letters for what they are, and has reproduced photos and diagrams.
Either way, we're not spoiling anyone's party by telling you that the uncorroborated pictures and case diagram contain few surprises.
In fact, consuming enormous quantities of hallucinogens won't make the experience any more exciting, although if you stare at this one long enough, the sinister ventilation holes could, and we say could turn into a regiment of sinister, dancing cough sweets. (You could See God and/or Tangerine Dream…) But we're not promising a Zen voyage self-discovery here.
The only feature that raised an eyebrow here at Vulture Central is that the case has two air vents, and a 7lb heat sink: suggesting that the new 7470 is now on the Itanic scale of heat dissipation.
It's just a box, dammit. It's what's inside that counts. ®