This article is more than 1 year old

Geeks. Law. Everything in between


Site of The Day Oftentimes, lawyers ask us for references to cases/ opinions when we cover legal stories. This not our bag, but it fits snugly into Greplaw, a new Berkman Internet and Society production.

Greplaw's tagline is "Geeks. Law. Everything in between." The site is discussion-based, runs on Slashcode and links to law stories affecting the Net. There is a strong 'geektivist' bias, which means we like it (not the word, which is horrid).

To date GrepLaw is strong on links - a tribute to the energy of the authors - but weak on discussion. Hey, it's early days yet and the readers will come.

Also, it may well prove useful to new media and intellectual property lawyers. Unlike dilettantes at The Reg, Greplaw actually links to case reports and opinions. ®

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