This article is more than 1 year old
P2P virus fakes nude Zeta Jones pics
Violated again - where's my lawyer?
A virus posing as racy pictures of Oscar-nominee Catherine Zeta Jones, or other well-known celebs, is doing the rounds on the Net.
Users of file sharing networks are been lured into opening a file that promises compromising pictures of Catherine Zeta Jones, Britney Spears, Sandra Bullock and Sarah Michelle Gellar.
Users who open the file activate Igloo, a backdoor Trojan horse and Internet worm which spreads via file sharing on KaZaA networks and via IRC channels. Igloo is the latest in a line of worms to target file-sharing networks.
The worm has not spread very far as yet, according to AV vendor Sophos.
Nonetheless standard precautions apply. Users should update their AV packages to detect the latest threat and attempt to practice safe computing practices, the most relevant of which here is never to trust potentially executable files of uncertain origin. ®
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External Links
Vmyths entertainingly cynical take on celebrity viruses