This article is more than 1 year old

Fluffi Bunni nabbed at InfoSec

Scotland Yard arrest legendary hacker

Über hacker Fluffi Bunni was arrested by the Metropolitan Police on Tuesday, while attending InfoSecurity 2003, in London.

Or rather the police collared Lynn Htun, 24, alleged head of the group of hackers using the collective moniker Fluffi Bunni, on outstanding fraud charges.

AP has a full report here

Fluffi Bunni's most famous exploit was the mass DNS hack of NetNames, a domain name registrar, in September 2001. This enabled the group to deface thousands of web sites with the message:

"Fluffi Bunni goes Jihad"

"If you want to see the internet again, give us Mr Bin Laden and $5 million in a brown paper bag. Love Fluffi B."

The note was accompanied by a picture of a small fluffy bunny sat a PC screen with what appears to be an electric razor, a CD, an empty pint glass and some sunglasses in the background.

And a 530-word political statement characterised by the FBI at the time as "anti-American". Other prominent victims of Fluffi Bunni include security sites and SecurityFocus. ®

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