This article is more than 1 year old

Opera goes gold with version 7.11 for Linux

Released on Monday

Opera Software is set to get its browsers in sync on Monday (19th May) with the unveiling of the production version of Opera 7.11 for Linux. Opera has been through several versions since it shipped the Opera 7 for Windows in January, and a couple of days ago moved to 7.11 for Windows.

Version 7 was a radical rebuild for Opera, and although development of the Linux version was a few months in arrears it's clearly important for the company to have a similar look and feel and feature list on the two platforms.

The production Linux version, which should be available for download from on Monday, includes a built-in email and news client, M2, and new features including FastForward, Rewind, Notes, and Slideshow. Notes allows you to associate notes with Web pages. The hotlist now includes a links panel, which lists all the links in the current page, by default, and the browser also supports spatial navigation. This was first introduced in Opera for set top boxes, so in addition to being a possible handy set of keyboard shortcuts, might appeal to Linux developers working on appliance implementations.

Check the Opera site on Monday for a full feature list and the download. ®

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