This article is more than 1 year old
'NEVER, EVER buy ANYTHING from Curry's or Dixons'
One woman's fight for customer service
A disgruntled Dixons punter has gone to extraordinary lengths to try and get the giant electrical retailer to return her busted TV.
After months of complaining and being given the run-around, fed up Marie Griffiths created a blog detailing Dixons Store Group's (DSG) extreme lack of customer care.
Not content with venting her frustration on the blog, she's even bought the key words "Mastercare" and "Dixons" on Google so that anyone searching for the company will see an ad linking to her site and warning: "Why NOT to buy from the DSG Group. Terrible 'service' from Mastercare."
She's also just started totting up how much money she's managed to stop potential customers spending in DSG stores. So far, the total stands at £940 and she's inviting others who've had a bad experience at the hands of DSG and its aftersales service, Mastercare, to contact her about other planned purchases they haven't made at DSG.
Yesterday, she wrote to DSG president Sir Stanley Kalms detailing her woeful experience. Her problem started back in December when she bought the TV. Within days it went on the blink. It took almost three months for DSG to finally pick up the telly to fix it. That was March 8. Since then DSG has repeatedly failed to communicate with her or return the TV.
Even as recently as last Saturday DSG arranged to deliver the set. Predictably, they failed to arrive.
She told Sir Stanley: "Since [March] I have called your customer services centre at least 30 times and still do not have my television. Is it the policy of your company to retain customer goods for over 2 months?
"Further to the continued terrible service from your company, I have started a campaign to let consumers know exactly what kind of company ''you run'.
She also tells him about the Google ads that "detail exactly why [potential customers] should avoid purchasing anything from your company".
"I am at the end of my tether," Marie told The Register. "I am getting absolutely nowhere with DSG. And they're withholding my property.
As Marie says in her blog: "My initial piece of advice is to NEVER, EVER buy ANYTHING from Curry's or Dixons. The moment it goes wrong, you will find yourself in the utterly incapable hands of Mastercare (How many Mastercare employees does it take to provide good customer service? Unknown, it's never been tried.)."
Oh, and she's also reported the whole sorry incident to her local trading standards officer.
A spokesman for DSG said he would look into the matter. ®