This article is more than 1 year old

Spam makes kids feel ‘uncomfortable and offended’

Nasty business

More than 80 per cent of kids say they receive "inappropriate" spam every day.

So says security software outfit Symantec which found that half of those who took part in its survey felt "uncomfortable and offended" when seeing dodgy emails.

The survey, which advises parents to talk to their children about what they see online, touches on all the usual issues concerning spam.

Said Steve Cullen of Symantec in a statement: "As with any email user, kids are just as susceptible as adults to being bombarded by spam advertising inappropriate products and services, such as Viagra and pornographic materials.

"Parents need to educate their children about the dangers of spam and how they can avoid being exposed to offensive content or becoming innocent victims of online fraud."

The survey also found that while nine out of ten kids said that they had heard of spam, nearly one in three still do not know whether spam is good or bad for them.

Last year anti-spam campaigner Derek Wyatt MP called on ISPs to do more to combat the growth in XXX spam.

He said that the situation was now so bad that his children have been put off using the Internet because of the amount of spam they receive. ®

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