This article is more than 1 year old
Bush okay after Segway attack
No worse than a pretzel
President Bush has fallen victim to a weapon of minimal destruction - a Segway scooter.
Bush took a nasty tumble on the fabled Segway, during a stay at the family compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, reports. The president strode up to the space-age scooter with a tennis racket in hand, jumped on and then stumbled right off the machine.
Papa Bush, celebrating his 79th birthday, and a family dog showed off their Segway form, and the president was inspired to give the transporter another go.
Success! has provided unparalleled coverage of the president's Segway adventures. In January, the president rode inventor Dean Kamen's own Segway, following a graduation speech.
Bush was said to have handled the Segway like a pro at the time.
During their recent holiday, the Bush clan turned Segway riding into a family affair. After the two George's had their turn, the intoxicating Bush daughters Jenna and Barbara zipped about and were followed by grandmother Barbara.
God bless Texas. Segway riding is a hoot. ®
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