Freeserve has had yet another mischievous pop at AOL UK's VAT-free status ,claiming that thanks to a loophole, the ISP has avoided paying £150m in tax since it was established in the UK in 1996.
According to Freeserve, that £150m "uncompetitive advantage" amounts to 600 million sausages, one pint of beer for everyone in the UK or six David Beckhams.
Or the entire Manchester United football team - take your pick.
Of course, when Freeserve first kicked off its anti-AOL VAT campaign in 2001 it chose far worthier causes to highlight the loophole.
For instance, in November 2001 Freeserve published newspaper ads claiming that the VAT not paid by AOL could be used for "hospital beds, bobbies on the beat or teachers for Britain's primary schools".
Anyhow, Freeserve's latest attack comes as new European VAT laws are being introduced on July 1 that will mean AOL will be subject to the same tax laws as other UK ISPs. ®