This article is more than 1 year old

NTL axes feedback forums

Only 'non-product related' chat permitted

NTL has effectively pulled the plug on its customer feedback site in a move that has angered many of its punters.

The cableco has announced that from July will only deal with "off-topic" discussions. The result is that in future the site won't be used to discuss any "product related" matters such as the company's ongoing email problems and its decision to cap its broadband service.

Instead, the cableco is to launch a new Web site called NTL Community, which it claims will serve as the "definitive source of product advice, news and technical support".

It's not know as yet whether the site will have a forum for NTL punters to air their concerns about the company's service.

In a statement today, the cableco said that "continues as an open discussion forum for non-product related subjects".

A spokesman for the company denied that NTL had any plans to close the site.

However, condemnation of the move has been swift with one forum contributor describing today's announcement as "a rather long suicide note". Other contributors said that it "looks like this site has been shafted", while another said that it "sounds like NTL is trying to shut this site by the back door".

Another wrote: "Now it seems that single role is being taken 'in house' by NTL, leaving very little left for NTHW as far as I can see."

A spokesperson at for the lobby group told The Register: "This is the death of NTL have finally removed the 'thorn' of public suggestions and product feedback."

However, within hours of the announcement being made this morning it's emerged that another site,, has been set up to air people's concerns about the company. ®

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