This article is more than 1 year old

Apache Web Server Administration with GBdirect

Top-quality course at a price you can afford

Site offer The elite team of server-wrestling codemeisters behind the magnificent html edifice that is El Reg are offering readers the chance to get to grips with Apache Web Server Administration.

What that actually means is that GBdirect will shortly be running an Apache training course which provides a technical introduction to installing, configuring and managing the Apache web server and to supporting CGI programming on the Apache server which is suitable for Software developers, webmasters, technical and support staff in electronic commerce, Internet Service Providers (ISPs), or web-based Application Service Providers.

Terrific. The 2-day course costs £575 and the next one is taking place in Leeds on 21-22 July. There's also a one-day option available, as well as a wide range of other courses in Leeds and London - you can find full details on the GBdirect website. ®

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