This article is more than 1 year old

Tiscali resolute following ad slap

Stands by data

Tiscali UK is standing firm following yesterday's ruling by the advertising watchdog that it is "Europe's leading ISP".

The ASA reckoned this claim - along with another that it has "over 3 million UK members" - didn't stand up to scrutiny. Instead, it sided with Freeserve, the ISP which made the original complaint about the offending ad.

So did Tiscali sex up its claims?

In a statement the ISP said: "The ruling refers to a campaign we ran last year, so it is irrelevant in terms of our current advertising. The ASA did not like our definition of 'members' but we stand by our data, and as the only ISP operating in 14 countries across Europe, we are the only truly pan-European ISP."

With such a spirited defence, will Tiscali be repeating its claims? A spokeswoman for the company said she was not in a position to comment. ®

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