For anyone out there that doubts the full integration of HP and Compaq's Web sites, we offer up FAQ2859 as evidence that the companies paid extreme attention to detail.
Compaq FAQ2859 answers a question often posed by technology-challenged users and hated by admins. "Where do I find the 'Any' key?"
"The term 'any key' does not refer to a particular key on the keyboard," a helpful Compaq employee points out. "It simply means to strike any one of the keys on your keyboard or handheld screen."
As if the FAQ entry was not amusing enough, it seems that the note was modified in 2002. Here's the original post.
In addition to helping out unenlightened users, HP/Compaq has provided a guide for Homer Simpson. Faithful fans of The Simpsons will recall Homer's quest to find the "Any Key." While he failed to locate the fabled key, Homer did manage to order up a TAB soda after looking to the left of his keyboard. ®