This article is more than 1 year old
FoTW: Did your dog write this?
Please explain your acronyms
Flame of the Week Re: Intel's Grove blames unitease on TWHRUPBS
From: Major E. "Weber II
To: <>
Did your dog write this article?
What is the point of publishing this gobbledy-gook?
I've looked over the original transcript and there were useful, quotable parts that could have made an interesting article. You chose to pull out the most worthless quotes to print this cheeky-worthless article.
Either define the acronyms or wait to publish.
My sister is a news editor for the Chicago Tribune, so I think I have a vague idea of what is fit to print!
Please stop wasting our time.
Major Weber
[name withheld] Special Projects Group
In a less incandescent mode of enquiry, reader Jamie Roberts adds:-
Was CS Lewis a true prophet?
First, the main foil of his novel 'That Hideous Strength' (1945) on the dangers of scientificism was the UK NICE. And but a few years ago, lo, the UK gov. created the NICE - something like his...
This was shiver-worthy.
But worse, at the culmination of his story, at a meeting of the NICE, the power of rational speech was removed from those attending (before they met a just, Tarantino-anticipating, and well-deserved bloody end).
'The madrigore of verjuice must be talthibianiesed', quoth the director.
The plot THWARPENS. If AG is invited to meet the NICE, I suggest we all duck.
All will be explained, as we now have the full transcript. You can download it here [36 kb PDF] with accompanying slides (here [152 kb PDF]). ®
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