This article is more than 1 year old
Union calls BT strike ballot over ‘derisory’ offer
My London weighting is thinning
BT London employees could go on strike in the New Year, following the rejection by their union over a "derisory and completely unacceptable" pay offer.
BT is offering an extra £100 for London weighting, to top up the current annual allowance of £2,600 for inner London and £1,128 for outer London. The allowances to compensate for the greater expense of living and working in London have been frozen since 1999,
The Communication Workers Union is pressing for London weightings of £4,000 and £2,400.
The CWU says it will run a strike ballot for its 20,000 London members as early as February, unless BT improves its offer. ®
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Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner (that BT wages get me down)