This article is more than 1 year old

SCO surrenders claims to System V?

Letters Re: SCO sort of thinks there are Linux IP violations, but isn't quite sure

The headline for this article should have been "SCO admits there is no Unix System V code in Linux." IBM asked SCO to identify all code in Linux that SCO has rights to (interrogatory no. 12). This should include System V secret and copyrighted code. The judge ordered SCO to comply on December 5.

In the January 12 notice of compliance, SCO said that they have fully complied with interrogatory no. 12. While it is impossible to say for certain without seeing the 60 page supplemental response, the Tibbits declaration identifies only that bits of AIX and Dynix have been copied, and says nothing about System V. Thus it appears that SCO has admitted that there is no System V code in Linux. If the supplemental response in fact does not indicate any stolen System V code, this could get very bad for SCO.

[name supplied]

So can readers help. Does anyone have access to the supplemental? (In the mean time, no more verse on the subject, please). ®

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