This article is more than 1 year old
MPAA seeks P2P Enforcer for antipiracy ops
Mid to senior level post
Enforcer wanted! The Motion Picture Association of America is seeking California-based Internet Enforcement Manager, a "mid to senior" level post at a salary of $60-75,000. The manager's responsibilities will include "overseeing all outside vendor development & usage... examining new piracy methods & protocols, overseeing Internet anti-piracy operations worldwide... [and] evidence-gathering efforts in support of litigation or criminal enforcement."
So the successful candidate will be responsible for finding the people to bust, for the introduction of new methods to find the people to bust, and for keeping pace in the file-sharing arms race.
The MPA says the job requires "advanced understanding of Internet protocols & networking systems," and rams this home by listing them: "including TCP/IP, DNS, WHOIS, IRC, FTP, HTTP, P2P & NNTP." More than is absolutely necessary for your average network admin, certainly. And in addition, a "working knowledge of DMCA and copyright law [is] preferred."
Think you're hard enough? Off to Hotjobs with you then. And depending on the circles you move in, jobs might not come much hotter than this one. (Thanks to Gnutella News for spotting this.) ®