This article is more than 1 year old

Californian sues penis pill spammers for fraud

But will it stand up in court?

A Californian man has put his manhood on the line by suing the spam-vertisers of penis enlargement pills.

The dicky medicine sold to Jeffery (sic) Horton failed to have the desired effect, prompting his decision to file a lawsuit against Leading Edge Marketing of British Columbia, shipment agent TechniPak of Greeley, Colardo and several others. The lawsuit - which seeks class action status - claims the oils and herbal supplements marketed by Leading Edge under the brand name VigRx are ineffective.

These 'snake oil' supplements - costing an average of $110 apiece - are a "blatant fraud", according to New York lawyer Brad Corsello, who filed the lawsuit in Denver on behalf of Horton.

The lawsuit accuses the defendants of fraud, theft and money-laundering.

Leading Edge markets its penis enlargement products through email, radio ads and television - including a half-hour ad featuring pornstar Ron Jeremy - as a way to permanently increase the size of a man's penis or cure erectile dysfunction.

Horton vigorously disputes these claims. The Californian handed over $160 for a batch of VigRx Oil in response to an unsolicited email touting the product, according to the lawsuit.

"I used the products, but the products had no effect whatsoever," Horton wrote, the Denver Post reports. "I now feel that I have been cheated out of my money by the sellers of the products. If possible, I would like to prevent the sellers of the products from cheating others as they have cheated me."

Other defendants named in the lawsuit are Unipay Processing of Cyprus, DM Contact Management of British Columbia and Advanced Botanicals of British Columbia.

It comes as little surprise that spam-advertised "penis enlargement" pills fail to satisfy customers. These 'medicines' might even be contaminated and therefore harmful.

Now someone has come forward prepared to testify to the abject failure on these products in court. But you have to wonder how many men will follow him. Lawyers doubt the action will achieve class-action status. ®

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