Telewest has unveiled a 256k cable service to tempt customers who are wary of switching to broadband.
Available in the Spring, the new package is five times faster than standard dial-up. It costs £17.99 a month when taken with another Telewest Broadband service, or £19.99 - just £2 a month more than narrowband services from BT Yahoo! and AOL - and is subject to a 12 month contract.
Although it's called a "broadband" service, the 256k package is designed primarily for faster, always-on Web access and email. Telewest would prefer it if punters signing up to the service didn't generate more than 750Mb of data traffic a day. If they do, the cableco will "discuss more suitable service options".
Telewest already provides services with speeds up to 512k, 1Mb or 2Mb. Chad Raube, director of Internet services at Telewest Broadband, said the company now has a full range of consumer broadband options. He expects demand from "people who have previously considered broadband a big leap from dial-up. And now getting onto the first rung of the broadband ladder will become a no-brainer".
The company offers free installation and one month free access - a saving of £67.99 - to the first 5,000 who pre-register here. ®