This article is more than 1 year old
London underground gets mobile access
London Underground (LU) is in talks with the four main mobile networks to allow mobile access on the Tube network.
Underground networks elsewhere, like Newcastle and Prague, already have full mobile access. But London's 113 mile network of tunnels is likely to be a more challenging project.
A spokeswoman for LU said: "This is something we've been thinking about for some time - we've always been restrained by our customers, because they haven't been keen, but that seems to be changing. Most people are in favour of allowing phone use on platforms and public areas but people are less keen on phones being used on trains."
LU will trial mobile access in one or two deep-level stations to judge customer demand. The company stresss that this is unlikely to be a big money spinner, and it will be guided by the wishes of its customers.
It has not decided what technology to use, but is likely to use the mini aerials, or micro cells, as chosen in Newcastle. ®