This article is more than 1 year old
eBay halts auction of Vietnamese girls
Seller wanted $5400 for three
eBay last week pulled the plug on an attempt to sell three Vietnamese women to the highest bidder. The Taiwanese user, who wanted at least TWD180,000 ($5392) for the trio, has had his eBay membership terminated, the company said.
The auction opened on 2 March - the day after the unnamed Taiwanese user became an eBay member - and was due to run until this past Friday. eBay knocked the sale on the head last week. The company said the sale ran contrary to its T&Cs, which forbid members from offering people and body parts.
The auction gave no indication as to what 'goods' were on offer, stating only that they were made in Vietnam and would be "shipped to Taiwan only". The only indication as to what was being offered were a series of five pictures of three young women, two of whom may be minors.
eBay said it had passed what information it has on the seller to the Taiwanese police. ®