This article is more than 1 year old
Foreign workers dominate Dell
Next Dell dude has Slovak twang
Dell is doing its part to create jobs in the US, but it's doing an even better job creating jobs overseas.
In a recent SEC filing, Dell revealed that 23,800 of its 46,000 employees are currently working outside of US shores. That leaves just 22,200 workers at home. And even though only 36 per cent of its revenue comes from overseas sales, Dell plans to increase the non-US workforce at a rapid rate.
"Dell believes that its ability to attract and retain qualified personnel is critical to its success and achievement of its business plan," the company said in the SEC filing. "Workforce diversity is an essential part of Dell's commitment to quality and the future of Dell."
"Dell has recently established technical and customer support and related operations in India, Panama, Slovakia, Morocco, and China and intends to continue such efforts in other regions throughout the world as its international business continues to expand. Dell also recently established design centers in China and Taiwan."
While Dell presents a rosy pictures of its overseas aspirations, it has run into problems with foreign call center operators that have yet to master the Texan twang. Last year, Dell was forced to shut down corporate call centers in India after a flood of complaints. Here in Australia a number of loyal Dell consumer customers have complained to El Reg about impossible calls to Malaysia. But, hey, they work cheap.
Dell's tip toward a majority of foreign staffers could not come at a worse time for CEO Michael Dell's chums in the Republican Party. The Bush Boys are feeling the heat for a largely jobless economic recovery, which is the last thing you need in an election year.
But it would be hard to fault Dell for not doing his part for the Party. Since 2000, Dell has handed out $706,500 almost exclusively to Republican officials and organizations. (See List)
The folks in Dell's favor include George W., AG Ashcroft, the charming Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Americans for a Republican Majority and "those wild and crazy gays" Rick Santorum. Dell even donated money to his own company at times, according to the figures.
So take it easy on Dell for not doing its part in this jobless recovery. After all, we hear the next Dell Dude auditions are all the rage in Bratislava. ®
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