This article is more than 1 year old

PlusNet cuts price of entry-level DSL


Sheffield-based ISP PlusNet has reduced the price of some of its DSL products as competition in the entry-level market hots-up. The price of its 150k, 200k and 250k dslConnect products have all dropped by a £1 a month.

It means the 150k service costs £14.99 a month, while the 200k service is £15.99 a month and 250k is £16.99 a month.

The flurry of activity surrounding the entry-level market recently suggests this is where ISPs are seeing real opportunities for growth. Only yesterday, for example, Wanadoo UK (formerly known as Freeserve) unveiled a capped 512k service for £17.99 a month, while last week Pipex unveiled a 150k service for £15.99 a month.

Elsewhere, Everywhere Broadband is expected to go live with its delayed satellite broadband service next month. Teaming up with Eutelsat, the service is expected to cost £19.95 a month and offer speeds up to 1.5Mbs. ®

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