This article is more than 1 year old
MI5 plugs in terror website
'Threat...remains real and serious'
The UK's Secret Service (MI5) has created a website to warn people about the dangers of terrorism.
Such information is usually just for the eyes and ears of Government, but with the threat of global terrorism uppermost in people's minds, the UK's top security bods have decided that we should all be allowed to access the info ourselves.
"Much of the new content of the website is aimed therefore at the business community and staff in organisations who have responsibility for the safety of others. The advice should also be of general interest to the public," said Eliza Manningham-Buller is the Director General of the Security Service in her introduction to the site.
"Tackling international terrorism is the Service's top priority. Through the collection and analysis of secret intelligence we have a well-developed understanding of this and other threats facing the UK today.
"For the most part details of our operations must and should remain secret. But stopping terrorists is only one part of our collective defences against terrorism," she said.
Listing the threats currently faced by the UK the site says: "The threat from international terrorism remains real and serious. Usama bin Laden has in several statements publicly named Britain and British interests as a target, and encouraged attacks to be carried out against them."
The site also contains a section "Good Security Practice: Top 10 Guidelines" providing security advice aimed at business and staff to help minimise any potential risks, not just from terror attacks but from everyday crime too. ®
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