Following hot on the heels of our recent piece on the the Atacama "Whore" computer - a classic example of unfortunate product branding - we are today obliged to reader Oli Maxwell, who forwarded us "another fine example of a cross culture mishap a new product from Canon Japan":
That's right, Canon is clearly not pitching its flash memory/dongle/USB thingy (we're not quite sure which, and don't much care) at the UK Romany IT sector. For those readers not conversant in Brit/Irish derogative slang, take it from us that "pikey" is very rude indeed. Oh dear, oh dear.
And while we're on the subject, thanks to all those readers who wrote in to point out that the Nova = No Va = Doesn't go (in Spanish) story is apocryphal, as are many other apparent branding gaffes. Still makes a good read, though, and here's one which definitely has legs, as it were: the Toyota MR2. According to the French, an absolutely crap motor. Good stuff. ®
Thanks to reader Dan Russell who has just forwarded a link to this useful related application for those needing to manage their Windows files or folders. We reckon it would also make a useful receptacle for "lucky heather".
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