This article is more than 1 year old
L-I-N-D-O-W-S goes up for sale on eBay
Spell the dirtiest word
How much does it cost to spell "Microsoft bites"?
Well, for $641 (at the time of writing), you could be the proud owner of a piece of anti-Microsoft history. The seven, large letters that once topped Lindows' San Diego campus are currently up for sale on eBay. The company's campus now, of course, has its Linspire flag flying proudly.
"For those looking for a good alphabet starter kit or to create their own sign, this is an ideal opportunity!," the eBay posting states. "More than 100 scrabble-legal words can be composed using this unique combination of letters such as "disown", "loins," "idols" and many more!!!"
You could also spells Windols, but our legal team recommends against it. Saying the word "Lindows" out loud while reading this story is also a bad idea.
The letters are grand to be sure and really should be the prized possession of any self-respecting Linux zealot. Linspire CEO Michael Robertson tells us that the letters were given to a friend of the company. What an opportunistic back-stabber! ®
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