This article is more than 1 year old
BCS offers members proof of professionalism
Training tool
The British Computer Society (BCS) has designed a tool to help companies manage the career progression and develop the skills of its IT staff.
The organisation's top brass say initiatives like this are essential in an industry "plagued by project failure and negative public perception". David Clarke, BCS chief executive, say the CareerDeveloper tool is for IT managers or directors who want to develop their IT team and improve their staff's skill set.
"We have been working closely with industry to provide guidance on all issues relating to staff development to ensure standards are raised," he said.Clark argues that a skilled and motivated IT workforce is paramount to the profession's image and credibility.
CareerDeveloper is a web-based program the BCS developed with InfoBasis, a skills management specialist. The idea is that it helps companies identify skills gaps, and match the skills they has in house with their business needs. Clarke say the scheme will "help staff feel motivated and valued", adding that it can also be accredited by the BCS.
It should also enable managers to get a handle on what their staff want to achieve, how the company can support that with training. ®
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