This article is more than 1 year old

BT blocks 1,000 rogue dialler numbers

Block first, ask questions later

BT is once again writing to its 1.8m dial-up internet users warning them to be on their guard against rogue diallers. In the last three months the UK's dominant fixed line telco has blocked 1,000 numbers which it reckons are being used to run premium-rate dialler scams.

In July, BT said it would take action against rogue dialler companies which defraud consumers by secretly changing their computer settings so they call a premium rate phone line instead of their usual ISP number.

Despite taking this "block first, ask questions later" approach, BT has now dealt with 45,000 cases where customers have run up inflated phone bills because of rogue diallers. Another 9,500 cases are waiting to be resolved.

As a result, BT is once again writing to its punters to remind them how to prevent becoming victims of these scams.

Said BT bigwig Gavin Patterson: "BT is doing everything in its power to stop this menace. We have taken the decision to block numbers suspected of being associated with diallers as soon as we are alerted to a problem.

"We will be emailing all of our dial-up customers again to give them advice on how to avoid falling victim to a dialler, because customers need to take action as well to protect themselves, as we believe many cases aren’t fraud but are due to a lack of awareness from customers." ®

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